Apply for Membership in IMMA


Apply for Membership in IMMA

There are a number of benefits to being a member of a professional organisation.

When looking for courses or training many people want to assured that the school they choose is qualified to teach them, and the qualification they gain will be recognised in the market place.

By displaying our logo on your website or promotional material tells people you are a member of a professional organisation, giving potential students/clients peace of mind.

We often have members of the public checking to see if we have had any complaints about a business before joining their course.

Visibility. Being listed on our site gives you another layer of visibility on the internet along with a link through to your own site, which contributes to making your website more visible.

We have had several schools tell us people signed up with them after finding their school on our site.

Benefits to being a member of IMMA

IMMA Membership Guidelines

IMMA Membership is open to anyone who has completed one of our recognised training provider courses in Mindfulness, Meditation or Forest Bathing/Nature Connection.

All other applications will be assessed individually, but as a general guide you will need to have:

- Undertaken training with a recognised organisation of at least 30 hours and been assessed.

- Provided proof of training in the form of a certificate, please send by email.

- Membership is $99 annually, and the fee must be paid for your application to be reviewed. This will be refunded if your application is not accepted.

Members are able to connect with other teachers and schools around the world via our Facebook page. Members in the UK and EEA region, gain discounted insurance through BGI Fohyt Insurance.

To apply for membership please complete the membership application and then email supporting documents to Please note that all information provided to us is confidential. We do not assess memberships which are not accompanied by the membership annual fee. If for any reason your application for membership is not accepted we will refund this fee.

IMMA Membership guidelines for Nature Connection or forest bathing guides

Membership is $99 Annually.

As this is a very new industry each application will be assessed upon its merits, so please include your experience, training and length of time in the industry.

You can complete your application by clicking the link below, or alternatively you an email us at Thank you.

Benefits of IMMA Membership

Being a member of an association provides you with support, community and a place to promote your business. Membership entitles you to:

List on our website

Submit blogs to our blog page

Have a body to go to if you need support, information or clarification

Recognition of your training

Credibility in the marketplace

Use of our logo on your web page

A Facebook community that enables you to connect with others in your industry

Code of Ethics

  • 01 Respect

    All members are required to treat all clients with equal respect regardless of age, sexual orientation, nationality, religion or disability. That includes respecting the values of each person and the differences between us.

  • 02 Confidentiality

    To protect clients privacy members are required to not share their client's personal details with anyone without their written consent. To treat all information about, or shared with you by students, as confidential. This includes not using their photo or testimonial or showing them in a video without their express written permission.

  • 03 Integrity

    Members are required to act with integrity in all areas of their lives. This applies to their businesses where they are expected to maintain the correct records, pay taxes and abide by the laws of the land. Acting with integrity also applies to relationships with students where teachers are required to not take advantage of a student in any way for personal gain. Teachers need to be honest when assessing a student who is not yet competent.

  • 04 Standards and boundaries

    Maintain professional standards and boundaries: Members need to be able to set standards and boundaries and communicate those standards and boundaries to their students/clients.
    This also includes not working with people whose issues are outside the scope of your expertise.

  • 05 Compassion

    Members are encouraged to exercise compassion in their business dealings whether that be with students or people they have business dealings with, we are all role models for what we teach.

  • 06 Communication

    An important aspect of communicating effectively is that people feel heard. All communication needs to be based on honesty, compassion and respect. This includes the location of where you communicate, as well as protecting the privacy of students. Feedback to students needs to be supportive and constructive.

  • 07 Grievances

    Students have a right to make complaints and teachers are advised to have a grievance policy in place which outlines what steps will be taken to resolve the grievance. Members can obtain a copy of a grievance policy from us.

  • 08 Walk your talk

    Members are required to embody the values they teach as well as utilising mindfulness and meditation practises in their daily life.

  • 09 Acceptance

    As acceptance is a major component of mindfulness we ask all teachers to demonstrate this in their dealings with the public, clients and other schools. The International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance promotes inclusiveness, so this means any public criticism of competitors, or other schools is frowned upon.

  • 010 Respect for copyright

    We expect that all teachers are aware of copyright laws and to not infringe or use anyone else’s work without acknowledgement.

  • 011 Remain up-to-date

    Members are required to remain up-to-date in their training and skills and to commit to ongoing professional development.