About Us


About Us

The International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance was set up to:

Meet the unmet needs of Mindfulness and Meditation Teachers and schools.

Promote the benefits of mindfulness and meditation.

Provide support to existing mindfulness and meditation teachers and coaches

Provide accreditation to schools who train mindfulness trainers and coaches, meditation teachers and nature connection guides.

Building a Global Community of Mindfulness

Building a Global Community of Mindfulness

We are an international body run by mindfulness and meditation teachers. We do not conduct teacher training ourselves.

We are not associated with any religion or one spiritual path. Our aim is to build an inclusive community. We aim to set and maintain standards of accreditation based on knowledge, experience and/or education.

We ask our members to live by the principles they teach, accepting that we are all human and fallible. As an organisation, we aim to embody the values of compassion, acceptance, inclusiveness and gratitude.