Benefits of Course Accreditation
Apply for Course Accreditation
We offer accreditation to schools that offer training in Mindfulness, Meditation and Forest Bathing/Nature Connection. To gain this accreditation classes need to:
– Be taught by a suitably accredited teacher.
– Students need to undergo and complete an assessment process.
– Training needs to be a minimum of 30 hours duration, which can include practice periods.
– We assess each course on its merits and the experience of the teachers, if we cannot offer accreditation, your fee will be refunded.
The duration of accreditation is for one-year, so far as there have not been any significant changes to the course. If there are substantial changes please check with us and we will advise if you need to apply again.
The fee for initial accreditation is AU$100, and, thereafter it will automatically renew for a fee of AU$200 per year (cancellable at any time).
When applying to have a course accredited you must be a member of our association.
When submitting your course application please provide us with information on:
The owners of the organisation
Qualifications of the teachers
The length of training time
How students are assessed
Your website URL
Subjects covered in training.
Ready to apply for Accreditation?
Course Accreditation contains a AU$100 review fee, followed by an AU$200 annual accreditation fee.