Meditation Can Help You Differentiate Between Fear and Intuition

Oprah describes intuition as a feeling that pulsates beneath the surface. For me, the majority of the time, intuition is a voice that very clearly tells me exactly what to do. This guidance is available to everyone, but not everyone listens. 

If your mind is constantly busy worrying, searching for solutions, thinking about problems, or feeling anxious you won’t recognise this guidance. Intuition is a purely individual experience. Some people experience a gut feeling. Some hear voices. Some people have a hunch. Some experience it in multiple ways. Your logical mind and your five senses encourage you to pay attention to what is outside of you. Intuition comes from inside of you so to be able to recognise when intuition is guiding you, you need to stop thinking, slow down and go within on a regular basis.

You access your intuition by getting out of the thinking mind and tuning into your body. Mentally scan your body to see where you are carrying stress. Then sit still and breathe deeply for a few minutes allowing your entire body to relax. Be aware of where your thoughts are taking you. Intuition is always accompanied by a feeling of calmness, never force. It never urges you to do anything harmful or dangerous.  Martha Beck says, “Wisdom is far, far stronger than fear, but while fear gladly forces itself upon you, wisdom will do nothing of the kind. We can’t be victims of wisdom: It must be chosen.”

You choose to be intuitive by establishing habits that enable you to recognise this inner guidance. That could be by relaxing on a regular basis, doing something to quieten the mind, such as listening to calming music. Exercise. Deep breathing. Meditating. My preferred method is meditation. I have found that the more consistent I am in my meditation practice, the more readily I hear my inner voice.

The following are some guidelines that may assist you to differentiate between intuition and the voice of fear:

  1. Fear urges you to do something, or acquire something, in order to be happy.
    Intuition knows that nothing external has to happen for you to feel happy.

  2. Fear needs recognition and achievement to feel good enough.
    Intuition knows that you are already good enough.

  3. Ego, which is sometimes disguised as the voice of reason, keeps you stuck in your thoughts. Intuition doesn’t debate, or justify, it simply guides you to choices that make you feel good.

  4. Fear urges you to do something to make money, or to be afraid of the competition.
    Intuition guides you to choices that help you and others.

When you follow your intuition your choices always lead to abundance, peace and joy.

Anne Hartley is the owner of Hart Life Academy, an online training school which trains mindfulness and meditation teachers.


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