Accredited Schools India


Accredited Schools India

Jij Natuurlijk (Naturally You), Netherlands

Natascha Bruti offers an in-depth course which integrates nature-therapy and natural mindfulness. Participants take part in at least three days which completely take place outdoors in order to be immersed in the experience and in nature.
During the year participants get a weekly mail which explores nature-therapy and human development. In the accompanying private groups more information is supplied in videos and exercises.
After completing the days and handing in a few assignments which are really lovely to do, participants can obtain the accredited certificate ‘Jij Natuurlijk Natural Mindfulness Guide.’
Every certified member has its own way of taking people into nature in order to deepen relaxation and awareness. This could be during a walk, but also on a suppingboard or during an outdoor yogapractice. The essence is giving the surrounding nature an essential part in the activity.
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