Accredited Schools Hong Kong


Accredited Schools Hong Kong

Three-Stage Psychology-based Mindfulness Teacher Training, Hong Kong
Mindfulness Teacher Training

Vinci Yuk Yu CHAN is a counselling psychologist who is graduated with a Master of Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies) with a distinction in HKU and a Master of Social Sciences in Counselling Psychology in HKSYU. She is also an internationally certified Hypnotherapy Instructor, Mindfulness Teacher and Meditation Teacher. She has experience in organizing mindfulness workshop for different population, including children, adolescents and working adults. She is passionate about promoting mental wellness in an entertaining way, like hosting two RTHK CIBS programmes ‘Psychology of Anime and Manga (睇動漫學心理)’ and ‘Messages from Body-Spirit-Mind (身心靈有話兒)’, as well as organizing psychology-themed movie screenings.

Christine Yuk Ying Yip, Hong Kong
Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher
Founder of Miss Yip 心靈健康工作室

Fanny Lo Music Therapy and Psychotherapy Centre Limited,
Mindfulness Practices

I’m a Psychological Counsellor, Registered Music Therapist, University Lecturer (Early childhood development). I deeply believe one’ s mental fitness is the first and foremost thing in life, one should start to understand their own emotions during early childhood and the learning is a life-long process. This motivates me to dedicate myself to nurturing the mental well-being of our new generation and also promoting a better way of parenting. Apart from children and parents, I actively support women in their self-love journey – to find their own directions, touch their inner soul and regain confidence in different stages of life.

As a specialist in using counselling, mindfulness and music therapy skills for clients and a pioneer in using harp in my therapy work in Hong Kong, I designed Mindful Harpalogue – a program that combines harp with counselling and mindfulness for women and children.

Gabriel Ho Hong
Mindfulness Coach

Victor Ching
Mindfulness  for children
Chartered Psychologist (BPS), Registered Psychologist (HKPS), Certified Mindfulness Teacher (IMMA)Mindfulness Teacher Training, Mindfulness Coach Training, Mindfulness for Children

I am a psychologist actively engaged in promoting mental health, positive parenting, performance enhancing, and Mindfulness in Asia countries. I designed MindfulKids® for parents, social workers, teachers, counsellors and all child workers for promoting Children Mindfulness practice, and also Workplace Mindfulness for enhancing work related performance for management, HR, and working individuals.
According to my clinical experience, Mindfulness is an effective way to manage children’s emotional and behavioural problems, enhance parent-child relationship, and also lessen parental stress. It is also reported by learners that practicing Mindfulness can help enhancing relationship between family members, friends, and colleagues. However, it is a challenge to motivate children to practice mindfulness. Gamification is one of the best solutions and I am currently the only one teaching Game-based Mindfulness in Hong Kong, or may be in Asian countries!
For workplace, Mindfulness is not only a solution to wellness and well-being, but also a scientifically proven strategy to improve work-related performance like decision-making, attention, analytical thinking, emotional regulations, interpersonal relationship, to name a few. It is also proven that mental health relates to companies’ costs and bottom line. Mindfulness is definitely a “must-have” tool for management, HR, and all working adults, if you wish to improve the performance of you and your team!

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