Accredited Schools Greece


Accredited Schools Greece

Mindfulness for Mental Health Specialists, Greece
Mindfulness Training for Mental Health Professionals

“Mindfulness for Mental Health Specialists” is a 3 cycle programme designed carefully for Psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists, social workers, mental health counselors and students of the above mentioned professions.

Mindfulness, “Ensyneiditothta” (from En +Syneidisi which means  the expansion of inner  senses) as it is called in Greek, comes as a breath of fresh air to assist the work of the modern Mental Health Specialist, who needs to be flexible and willing to apply new therapeutic tools and practices, both for his personal well-being and for the promotion of the good psychosomatic condition of his/her clients.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Intervention for Children with Emotional Difficulties and Developmental Disorders
Seminar Director and teacher: Stavroula Georgakopoulou, Psychologist, Specialized in Cognitive and Behavioural therapy, Trained in Mindfulness for Children and Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy

The aim of the educational seminar is the understanding of the fundamental principles of the Cognitive Psychotherapeutic approach and Mindfulness, the training in exercises per child case and the Counseling of parents in their application both to themselves and to the children.