HomeApplication for Renewal of Course Accreditation
Apply for Course Accreditation
If your course has previously been accredited by us and still meets the requirements outlined below, please use this page to apply for renewal of your accreditation.
We offer accreditation to schools who offer training in mindfulness, meditation and forest bathing/nature connection. To gain this accreditation classes need to be taught by a suitably accredited teacher, and graduates need to undergo an assessment process. We assess each course on its merits and if we cannot offer accreditation your fee will be refunded.
Accreditation lasts for three years at which time you will need to apply for renewal.
When submitting your application please provide us with information on:
the owners of the organisation
qualifications of the teachers
length of training time
how students are assessed
your website subjects covered
These need to be sent by email to admin@internationalmindfulness.org. Along with the application form and fee, see below.
Step 1: Fill in the application form below
Step 2: Complete the checkout (secured by PayPal)